Month: May 2021

Looks like a THURSDAY

Almost got pucked…

It’s spreading…


1. Funambulism

2. Ectomorphic

3. Filipendulous

4. Floccinaucinihilipilification

5. Hircus

6. Honorificabilitudinitatibus

7. Nudiustertian

I found this list of words HERE. Try to use them in a conversation today.

Well, today is the birthday, in 1942, of Colin Earl who recorded as ‘Mungo Jerry’ and had this 1970 hit. It’s notable for being one of the very few pop hits without drums.

Posted by Tom in Humor, Music, sixties and seventies

Wednesday…wicked or wonderful???

Bada Bing!

Someone posted they had just baked some synonym buns. I replied, you mean just like the ones grammer used to make?

I was at the post office when I saw someone shouting into an envelope. I asked, “What are you doing?” They replied, “Sending a voice mail.”

If you spell the words “Absolutely Nothing” backward, you get “Gnihton Yletulosba,” which ironically means…Absolutely nothing.

What is it about the gentle beeping of a carbon monoxide detector that is so relaxing?

I always take the batteries out of my carbon monoxide detector. All that beeping gives me a headache.

Whose cruel idea was it for the word ‘lisp’ to have an ‘s’ in it?

Two women were on a bus fighting over the last seat.The bus driver hollered, “Ugly one gets the seat!”Both women stood the rest of the ride.

My wife’s birthday is tomorrow.She’s been leaving jewelry catalogs all over the house.So I bought her a magazine rack.

If dentists make all their money from bad teeth…Why should we use toothpaste that 8 out of 10 dentists recommend?

Need a little beauty in your life? Watch and listen to this piece from La Boheme sung by Anna Netrebko.

Posted by Tom in Humor, opera

It feels…almost like…Tuesday!

Get up and dance this morning! Here’s Chubby Checker with some great video clips.

Posted by Tom in Humor, Music, sixties and seventies


May as well have the chicken…

Post image

Today is the birthday, in 1919, of Pete Seeger, folk singer and social activist. He was a strong union supporter and anti-war activist. His group, The Weavers, was blacklisted during the McCarthy era. He re-emerged in the sixties as a prominent singer of music in support of international disarmament, civil rights and environmental causes. We miss him.

Posted by Tom in folk, Humor, Music