
Bond, James Bond

James Bond' star Sean Connery passes away aged 90, Entertainment News |  wionews.com

I was reading that there is yet another Bond film due to be released later this year and apparently the title song is by Billie Eilish. I like some of her stuff but I’m not particularly impressed with this one. So, I thought this would be a good opportunity to revisit my list of my top five favorite Bond songs. I know I did this once before on Facebook, but this platform provides a better opportunity to really show the music.

Number One.

My eldest daughter has persuaded me that this one should really be Number One! Who does not know this song? Shirley Bassey just blasted this one out and into our memories.

Number Two.

I know most won’t agree with me, but I think this song just fits the theme of the Bond series so well and it’s more musical than many besides being one of the best odes to Bond’s sexual prowess. Carly’s voice sounds a little thin coming right after Shirley Bassey, but that would happen to anyone. Carly Simon does have the chops for this, though.

Number Three.

Paul McCartney and Wings did this little ditty and it’s pretty impressive, I think. Frequent tempo and volume changes keep us listening and I like it.

Number Four.

For this one, they brought Shirley Bassey back and she does a good job, I think. She definitely puts one in the mood for a Bond film.

Number Five.

I like this one. Nancy Sinatra does a fine job of fitting the song to the movie. It’s a nice, breezy melody. My understanding is they wanted her father but couldn’t get him.

Number Six.

I know I said five, but once I got started I thought a few more would be good. Gladys Knight (no pips) did a good job of getting us in the mood on this one.

Number Seven.

I thought Pierce Brosnan was a mediocre Bond, but he had some great musical introductions. Tina Turner does another great job of setting the mood here.

Number Eight.

Adele certainly has the talent to do a great Bond song, but I don’t think this worked as well as it could. The music and chords don’t seem to change a lot during the long song and she doesn’t really get into it. But here it is.

Number Nine.

Sheena Easton has a nice voice and she does a good job on this one. I think it’s kind of plain though.

Number Ten.

As some one pointed out, there are two kinds of Bond songs – very loud ones that are belted out and quieter, more sensitive ones. This one, by Sheryl Crow, seems to try to fit between the two with some quiet vocalizing and a loud chorus.

There are my ten. I have no doubt that most of you will have different opinions. Feel free to comment and tell me where you think I went wrong!

Posted by Tom

Ten Years

As most of you are aware, for many years I’ve been sharing some of the brilliant web comics, xkcd, by Randall Munroe. In November of 2010, Megan, then his fiancée (now wife) received a diagnosis of stage 3 breast cancer.

During her eight months of treatment, Munroe posted several comics about her diagnosis and treatment. Here are a couple:


So this month is the ten-year anniversary of the diagnosis and he posted this, which I think is wonderful. I’m sure many of you can relate.

Posted by Tom in Observations

Sir Sean Connery

Sean Connery turns 90: Lesser known facts about the Hollywood star,  Entertainment News | wionews.com

I was shocked to hear this morning of the death of Sir Sean Connery. He was a magnificent actor and undoubtedly the very best James Bond. Now I have to go back and watch all of his movies.

Posted by Tom in Observations, Thoughts