Oops, it’s MONDAY again

Today is Showa Day in Japan, a public holiday. Known in Japan as ‘Shōwa no Hi‘, it is part of Golden Week. Showa Day honors the birthday of Emperor Hirohito, the reigning Emperor before, during, and after World War II (from 1926 – 1989).

The Showa Era is the longest and most dramatic reign of an emperor in Japan’s history. Emperor Showa was the longest-living emperor. He died at age 87 after reigning for 63 years. In fact, the Showa Era literally covers some of modern Japan’s brightest and darkest hours. After his death in 1989, he was renamed Emperor Showa.

Showa Day is the first holiday of Golden Week. The Golden Week is a period when four national holidays fall within the space of seven days. The days which are holidays each year depending on how the holidays fall in combination with the two weekends either side of Golden Week. It has become a very popular and busy holiday season in Japan.

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Today is the birthday, in 1899, of Duke Ellington, American composer, bandleader, pianist. He worked with Louis Armstrong, Ella Fitzgerald, Dizzy Gillespie, Billie Holiday. Ellington died on May 24, 1974, of complications from lung cancer and pneumonia, a few weeks after his 75th birthday. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDQpZT3GhDg

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