Today is Coming-of-Age Day, a public holiday in Japan. Sometimes called ‘Adult Day’, the day honors young Japanese who will reach the age of majority at any point in the 12 months since the start of April in the previous year. Twenty is the age of majority in Japan and people who have reached this age gain the right to vote in elections as well as to drink, smoke, and get married without parental consent.
“The purpose of this holiday is to congratulate and encourage young men and women who attain the legal age of adulthood to fulfil their new-found responsibilities and become self-reliant members of society,” said Masahiko Uchino, of the National Cabinet Office’s holiday section.
Local governments usually have a ceremony known as a seijin shiki (adult ceremony) to honor the “new adults”. The ceremony is held in the morning of the national holiday at local city offices across Japan. Those reach majority during the current school year, which runs from April 2nd to April 1st the next year, are invited to attend. During the ceremony, heads of local government and guest speakers from various backgrounds give speeches and small presents are handed out to the new adults.
Women celebrate the day by donning special kimonos in which the sleeves are long, compared to the kimono with shorter sleeve portions that is worn by mature, married women. Some women will also wear hakama (baggy pants).
Most young women cannot put on a kimono themselves and have to go to a kimono kitsuke who dresses them. They also go to a hairdresser to have their hair done the day before or early in the morning. Many women rent their kimonos because of the cost of buying one.
Most young men wear business suits, although sometimes men wearing dark-colored kimonos, called a “haori” (half-coat), can be seen. Certainly, It is a much less expensive day for young men than the women.

Ed. Note: This will be my last post for a few days, I’ll be back though, whether you want me to or not!!

Some people say the problem with Christianity is that is not taught in schools. I say the problem with Christianity is that it’s not taught in churches.
Pickles are fantastic until you’re in one.
Whenever a Southerner tells me that it’s not ‘soda,’ it’s ‘pop,’ I always feel the need to ask them how many times they go to a bar and order ‘vodka and pop’?
If you identify a UFO as a UFO then it becomes an FO. Unless it has landed, then it’s simply an O.
If you don’t have something nice to say, post anonymously.
My wife asked if she had any annoying habits and then got all offended during the PowerPoint presentation.
If you first read that as “whore members”, we’re probably already friends.
Dear paranoid people who check behind the shower curtain for murders…What exactly is the plan if you find one?
To those that I have offended in 2023; work on yourself so I don’t have to do it again in 2024.
Being an introvert isn’t easy. Imagine waiting for a reply without sending a message.
When she’s standing at the guillotine and regrets saying she wanted a man that would treat her like a queen.
I told my kids the shoes on telephone wires are from kids who lied and got sucked up into space.
Diet tip: Your pants won’t get too tight if you don’t wear any.
My housekeeping style is best described as “there appears to have been a struggle”.

Today is the birthday, in 1947, of David Bowie English singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, record producer, painter and actor. His first UK Top 40 single was the 1969 ‘Space Oddity’ which became a UK No.1 in 1975, plus over 50 other UK Top 40 hits including five No.1’s. Bowie has also scored two US No.1 singles, the 1975 ‘Fame’ and 1983 ‘Let’s Dance’. His music and stagecraft significantly influencing popular music and during his lifetime, his record sales, estimated at 140 million worldwide, made him one of the world’s best-selling music artists. Bowie died from liver cancer at his New York home on 10 January 2016.