Today is Human Rights and Peace Day in Kiribati. The United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights on December 10, 1948 to prevent repetition of World War II and creation of numerous concentration camps. In 1950 Human Rights Day was declared by the UN General Assembly. This day is observed by all country-members of the UN. The government of Kiribati decided to celebrate this day and create the national observance praising human rights and peace in the world. This observance became a public holiday in Kiribati.
NOT Disney…
No fun birthdays today so here are the Doobie Brothers.
Today’s holiday is V. C. Bird Day in Antigua and Barbuda marking the birthday of Sir Vere Cornwall Bird. Sir Vere Cornwall Bird was born on December 9th 1910. He became the first prime minister of Antigua and is considered the father of the nation. He became the first recipient of the Order of the National Hero in 1994.
Today is the birthday, in 1941, of Sammy Strain. He has the distinction of being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice – once with Little Anthony and the Imperials and once with the O’Jays.
Today is Saint Kliment Ohridski’s Day In North Macedonia. Known as the enlightener of the Slavs, Clement (Kliment) was one of the most prominent disciples of Saints Cyril and Methodius, the two Byzantine missionaries who spread Christianity among the Slavic peoples of Bulgaria, Great Moravia and Pannonia.
And there are lawyers…
Christmas Ads!
Today is the birthday, in 1942, of Bobby Elliott, drummer with The Hollies. The group scored over 30 hits in the top 40 including this one.
Today is Memorial Day in Timor-Leste (East Timor). This holiday honors those who took part in the resistance against Indonesian occupation and fought for independence.
Today is also, of course, ‘a date that shall live in infamy’. My eldest daughter knows all about that.
President Biden gets a standing ovation at the #kennedycenterhonors after David Letterman says it’s nice that the Presidential box is filled again. (For the first time since 2016)
Bada Bing!
In Star Wars anyone can hop in any spaceship and know how to fly it.I just spent 20 minutes trying to find the headlights in a rental car.
My wife said to me, “If I ever get Alzheimer’s I would commit suicide rather than burdening you with me”. I said, “That’s the fifth time you’ve said that today”.
In a freak accident, I lost all the fingers on my right hand. I asked the doctor If I would still be able to write with it.He replied, “Probably, but I wouldn’t count on it”.
If astrology isn’t real, then how come every Scorpio I meet is born in either October or November?!
My friend Sarah accidentally left her Pepsi 60 miles south of Tampa.That’s the location of Sarah’s soda.
How do you know when you’ve become an adult?When your whole day is ruined because they rearranged the grocery store.
We squint at the sun because it is bright.We squint at Marjorie Taylor Greene because she’s not.
I reached a new culinary milestone today.I set off the neighbors smoke alarm.
I love asking kids what they want to be when they grow up because I’m still looking for ideas.
I didn’t find any good musician birthdays today, so here’s Robert Palmer.
Today’s holiday is Independence Day in Finland. This holiday is celebrated annually on December 6th and marks the Declaration of Independence from the Russian empire by the Finnish Parliament in 1917. Finland had been part of the Russian Empire since 1809. Following the Russian revolution and the defeats in the First World War, movements within Finland pushed for independence from Russia and on December 6th 1917, the parliament declared Finland as an independent state.
On this day in 1965, the Rolling Stones recorded this iconic song…