Crabs and Beer!

Thoughts from the depths of the Eastern Shore

and MONDAY rolls around again

Today’s holiday is ‘The 1949 Great March and Restoration Day’ in the British Virgin Islands. It commemorates the events of Sunday November 24th 1949, when the people of the Virgin Islands marched through the streets of Road Town, in what has come to be known as The Great March of 1949.

Pilgrim Kitteh

Heart-Stopping Texts

A man was watching his wife while she is frying sausages in a pan. 
Before she puts the sausages in the pan, she cuts off the two ends, throws them away, and cooks the middle part of the sausage. 

Her husband looks at her, and then asks: “Honey, why do you always cut off the two ends of the sausage before frying it”.

The woman answers that she doesn’t know, she has learned to do that from her mother.
The next day, they visit the mother, and the woman asks her why she has been taught to cut off the ends of the sausage before frying it. 

“I actually don’t know, that is what my mother, your grandmother always told me to do. We should go and ask her.”

So the two women leave the house and go to visit the grandmother.
“Grandmother, why did you teach us to cut off the ends of a sausage before frying it,” the daughter asks. 

“It’s a family tradition, the grandmother says, I don’t know. I just did it because my mother, your great-grandmother did it. 
“We should visit her, she’s in the retirement home.”

The three women go to visit the retirement home and meet the great-grandmother, who is a bit hard of hearing. 
“Great-grandmother,” the woman asks loudly, “Why did you always tell us to cut off the two ends of a sausage before frying it” 

The old woman looks amazed at them, and responds: “Wait, what, you’re still using that little pan!”

Today is the birthday, in 1943, of Floyd Sneed, drummer with Three Dog Night.

Posted by Tom in Humor, Music, sixties and seventies


Today’s holiday is Garifuna Settlement Day in Belize. the holiday celebrates the settlement of the Garifuna people in Belize after being deported from the Grenadines by the British. Go out and celebrate!!


On a scale of 1 to 10 how bad is your pain? π. Explain. Low level, but never ending.


Friday Happy Dance!

Well, it definitely feels like autumn outside today, so here is this. Enjoy!!

Posted by Tom in classical, Humor, Music

THURSDAY is the day it is

Today’s holiday is Ill Full Moon Poya Day in Sri Lanka. Every full moon (usually once a month) is a public holiday in Sri Lanka. Each of the full moons has its own name and they are days to commemorate key events in Buddhism. This Poya celebrates the obtaining of Vivarana (the assurance of becoming a Buddha) by the Bodhisatta Maitriya and the commissioning of 60 disciples by The Buddha to disperse his teachings.

Now back to our regularly scheduled program…


Music for today:

Posted by Tom in doo-wop, Humor, Music, sixties and seventies


Today’s holiday is Polytechnio in Greece commemorating the massive student uprising in 1973 against the military junta that then ruled Greece.


Today is the birthday, in 1942, of Bob Gaudio. He was the keyboardist for The Four Seasons and wrote almost all of their songs, including this one.

Posted by Tom in Humor, Music, sixties and seventies


Today’s holiday is The Day of Declaration of Sovereignty in Estonia. It marks Estonia’s declaration of sovereignty over the laws of the Soviet Union on November 16, 1988 during the Singing Revolution.


Some Labels…

Funny label.
Funny label.
Funny label.
Funny label.
Funny label.

Bada Bing!

HR person: So tell me a bit about yourself.Interviewee: I’d rather not. I really need this job.

Every McDonalds should have a flag they fly at half staff when the ice cream machine is broken.

Not to brag, but I just went into another room and remembered why I went in there.

Starbucks is planning on selling beer and wine.Apparently, it’s getting difficult to sell sober people coffee at $12 a cup.

I just found out the neighborhood had a meeting about a crazy person on the block.I can’t figure out why they didn’t invite me.

I know the voices aren’t real, but man, do they come up with some great ideas.

Let’s have a moment of silence for all those who are stuck in traffic on their way to the gym to ride stationary bikes.

Apparently, this guy at the mall was just tying his shoe and did NOT want to play leapfrog.

Me: The internet used to come in through the phone. It made a terrible noise, like robots screaming.Grandson: Hush Grandpa, take your pills.

I got my daughter a refrigerator for her birthday. I can’t wait to see her face light up when she opens it.

I was an accountant from the age of 21 until I was sacked for no apparent reason at the age of 30. Total waste of 14 years.

I do all my own stunts, but never intentionally.

Snow in November happens because people decorate for Christmas prematurely.You know who you are.STOP IT!

Wrong Things

On this day in 1960, Patsy Cline recorded ‘I Fall to Pieces’. Released on the Decca label in 1960 it topped the country charts and crossed over to the pop charts becoming one of her biggest hits. As the song was climbing the charts, Cline was injured in a near fatal automobile accident and was unable to perform the song for several months. Here she is!

Posted by Tom in Humor, Music, sixties and seventies