Crabs and Beer!

Thoughts from the depths of the Eastern Shore


Get ready to kick back and…


good news/bad news

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Today is the birthday, in 1940, of Joey DiNicola, better known as Joey Dee. His group, Joey and the Starlighters had this hit in 1962. I’m told that one of the dancers in the video, at 0:59, is 17-year old Joe Pesci.

Posted by Tom in Humor, Music, sixties and seventies

Thursday, Thursday…

First Time Since Early 2020

A guide…

Lots of musical birthdays today including, in 1941, Shirley Owen of The Shirelles. They had this massive hit in 1961. It is the first number one hit by an all-female black group and, incidentally, was co-written by Carole King who recorded it herself in 1971.

Posted by Tom in Humor, Music, sixties and seventies


Wednesday. Wen-nes-day. Wednesday! 
 Wednesday is the day before Thursday 
 It is the day that two greek gods crossed paths
 Wednesday is when murcury met Woden…
 Wednesday is the beginning of hopefulness 
 it ensures that Friday will soon be here! 
 I like wednesday because it always seems to sneak up 
 Wednesday is a crafty snake that won't bite 
 it is the middle sibling of Thursday and Friday 

See the rest of the poem HERE.



This song went to number one on this day in1965

Posted by Tom


Love everyone. No matter what. But what if they are gay? Yes, even if they ask stupid questions.

Bada Bing!

Him: I need help with a crossword puzzle. The clue is “overworked mailman”. Her: How many letters? Him: I’m guessing too many.

A human has 46 chromosomes. A potato has 48 chromosomes. You are two chromosomes away from being a potato.

Dog: WOOF! Alexa: Honestly, if I knew how long it would be until they got home I would tell you.

Me as a kid: Falls 10 feet from the monkey bars… “I’m OK!” Me now: Tried to scoop ice cream that was a little too frozen… “I think I dislocated my shoulder!”

Charles Dickens orders a martini. Bartender asks, “Olive or twist?”

I’m really tired of people complaining about the price of everything. $2.00 for a cup of coffee $3.00 for a coat check $4.00 an hour for parking I’m just going to stop inviting them to my house.

Incorrectly is the only word in the dictionary spelled incorrectly.

I used to work at KFC making coleslaw & mashed potatoes. But it was only a side job.

A guy opened a pub in a hotel lobby, but soon relocated to the mezzanine.  Then he relocated to the top floor, and finally the roof. He kept raising the bar.

x – y =

Why do we sing “Take Me Out to the Ballgame” when we’re already there?

A man walked up to the lobby counter. Man: “Will you validate my parking?” Counter person: “You did a great parking job. Evenly spaced, at nearly a perfect right angle.”

Today is the birthday, in 1810, of Robert Schumann. Here, in a short but amazing piano performance, is Yuja Wang playing Schumann’s ‘The Smuggler’.

Posted by Tom in Humor, Music



More diversification

No thanks.

Under Stalin, repression was so severe that Soviet Gulags held 22% of the world's entire prison population. Just kidding, that's in the United States today.
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Interview Fatigue

there’s always luck

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Lots of musical birthdays today but I’m going to ignore all of them and show you this amazing performance of Bohemian Rhapsody.

Posted by Tom in Humor, Music, World