Crabs and Beer!

Thoughts from the depths of the Eastern Shore

And……it’s THURSDAY!

Free Stuff!!

Today is the birthday, in 1946, of Cherilyn Sarkisian, better known as ‘Cher’. She is known for her distinctive contralto singing voice and her success over her sixty year career in numerous areas of entertainment.

Posted by Tom in Humor, Music, sixties and seventies

Same time every week…WEDNESDAY!



Some people did a lot of cross stitch during the pandemic.

Brilliant rude cross Stitch by Katerina Lukashina.
Brilliant rude cross Stitch by Katerina Lukashina.
Brilliant rude cross Stitch by Katerina Lukashina.
Brilliant rude cross Stitch by Katerina Lukashina.

On this day in 1973, Paul Simon released ‘Kodachrome’. It was never released as a single in the UK because the BBC would not play the trademarked name. Here it is with some Kodachrome shots!

Posted by Tom in Humor, Music, sixties and seventies

Definitely TUESDAY

Maybe all of you need a therapist…or two.


Bada Boom!

Right now I’m having amnesia and deja vu at the same time. I think I’ve forgotten this before.

The other day I yelled into a colander and strained my voice. 

The sooner you fall behind, the more time you’ll have to catch up.

If at first you don’t succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.

First rule of the thesaurus club:You don’t talk, discuss, deliberate, converse. speak, chat, confer, gab, or gossip about thesaurus club.

According to the BMI chart, I’m too short.

Is there illegal-sized paper?

You just don’t see enough people being taken away in straight jackets anymore.

Silence is golden…Unless you have children…Then, silence is suspicious.

Post image

No interesting birthdays today so here’s this!

Posted by Tom in Humor, Music, sixties and seventies


The long isolation from the pandemic has taken a toll on some.

Funniest non political tweets, jokes on twitter, lol, funny memes, hilarious, dumb observations, twitter, joke, this week

Today is the birthday, in 1961, of Enya Ni Bhraonain who performs as ‘Enya’ and has a very recognizable style of music. She is Ireland’s best-selling solo artist. Here’s one of her most famous pieces.

Posted by Tom in Humor, Music, sixties and seventies


It looks like a beautiful weekend. Get out and enjoy nature.


Looks like a wonderful weekend. Enjoy this video to get in the mood!

Posted by Tom in Humor, Music, sixties and seventies