daily humor

The Morning of MONDAY


This Guy Sends His Girlfriend Photoshopped Pictures Whenever She Asks If Their Kids Are OK

Don't worry, this is photoshopped.
Don't worry, this is photoshopped.
Don't worry, this is photoshopped.
Don't worry, this is photoshopped.
Don't worry, this is photoshopped.

Today is the birthday, in 1947. of Brian May. He is a musician, songwriter, record producer, author, astrophysicist and university administrator. Along with lead singer Freddie Mercury and drummer Roger Taylor he founded Queen. In addition to being lead guitarist he wrote many of Queen’s hits. He earned a PhD in astrophysics from Imperial College, London. There’s much more but instead, here is Queen.

Posted by Tom in Humor, Music, sixties and seventies




Description: four academics in spacesuits reading books in a space colony.

Person: "Super academics, hurry, our mining facility on Centauri-12 is being destroyed by an alien species! "

Economic Academic: "Good god, that mining facility is worth billions in economic activity, we have to save it right away!"

Science Academic: "I've done some experiments and determined the aliens are vulnerable to high concentrations of heat."

Engineering Academic: "I've engineered a focused laser weapon based on your research."

Philosophy Academic: "I've determined that we have no moral right to kill the aliens!"

Science Academic: "What?!"

Philosophy Academic: "Well, we are colonizing and invading their home world to enrich ourselves. Actually it seems pretty obvious..."

Economics Academic, as all raise their hands: "Who votes to kick super philosopher out of the group?"

Philosophy Academic: "Would it help if i explained that a majority vote can still violate the intrinsic rights of a minority?"

Engineering Academic: "No. Get out or we will laser cannon your face!"

Happy Friday Dance!

Today is the birthday, in 1940, of Tony Jackson, bass and vocals for The Searchers. Here they are in 1964.

Posted by Tom in Humor, sixties and seventies

It’s the Third THURSDAY

Out for a drag…

More Pharma

Today is the birthday, in 1946, of Linda Ronstadt. She is now retired but was a marvelously versatile singer performing in rock, country, light opera and latin. She’s won numerous awards. Here’s one of her most popular songs.

Posted by Tom in Humor, Music, sixties and seventies


Bastille Day in Photos
Pin on humorous funnies

Better living through Big Pharma

On this day in 1973, the Everly Brothers break up in the middle of a performance as Phil smashes his guitar on the stage and walks off. Here they are in better days.

Posted by Tom in Humor, Music, sixties and seventies



A man survived a Kodiak bear attack with just a .22 pistol.The friend he shot in the knee was not as lucky.

The only reason the pyramids still exist in Egypt is that they were too heavy for the British to steal and put in the British Museum.

A boss hangs a poster in his office that says, “I am the boss, do not forget!”He returns from lunch and finds a note on his desk.”Your wife called, she wants you to bring her poster back home.”

One great thing about this heat, no one is waiting in your backseat to kill you.

Lawyer in court… I’d to request a brief recess, your honor. My witness’s pants are on fire.

In time, chemistry jokes will get no reaction, and physics jokes will lose momentum.

I have not figured out how to have a wine collection.I do, however, have an extensive cork collection.

Doctor: My advice is to eat more food from the ocean.Wife: Where are you going?Husband: I’m taking the pig to the beach.

The person who fixes the roof of Big Ben is always working overtime.

Husband: Honey, can you toast some muffins?Wife: Raises wine glass. Here’s to muffins.


Today is the birthday, in 1942, of Roger McGuinn, frontman and leader of The Byrds.

Posted by Tom in Humor, Music, sixties and seventies