daily humor

and yet another MONDAY…


Fully Vaccinated

Not the brightest bulb…

the Challenge…

Today is the birthday, in 1938, of Maurice Williams. With The Zodiacs he wrote and performed ‘Stay’.

Posted by Tom in doo-wop, Humor, Music

Hey Kids…it’s FRIDAY!

Yesterday I showed you an adorable little dog – a maltese/pappilon mix. Here are some other mixes that breeders are working on.

Interview Prep

Pollen season here…

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I’m buying some wine today for the weekend…

Roy Orbison was born on this day in 1936 in Vernon, Texas. In this video he plays one of his may hits along with some friends whom you might recognize.

Posted by Tom in Humor, Music, sixties and seventies

Oh Thursday, why are you so COLD?

It seems popular to have dogs of a particular crossbreed. Here’s Goma. She is a Maltese/Pappilon mix and has round fluffy ears like a Maltese but they point up like a Pappilon. She doesn’t look real.

Goma the Mickey Mouse Dog
More images HERE

What more could you want?

Earth Day!

Odd juxtapositions

And this music from The Crystals for today…

Posted by Tom in doo-wop, Humor, Music

Wednesday, Wednesday

Trees are wonderful (until they fall on your house). So, before the ridiculous humor begins, here are some great tree photos.

Parents Know The Real Struggles Of Adulthood…



No fun birthdays today so here is Erika Lewis and Tuba Skinny performing in Anglet, France. Just fun!

Posted by Tom in Humor, Music, World

The Post for Tuesday



Aviation Firsts
Here Are My 22 Favorites from the Best Comic Ever – The Far Side | Shoe:  Untied

Today is the birthday, in 1940, of Ronald Mundy, one of the original members of The Marcels.

Posted by Tom in doo-wop, Humor, Music