daily humor

Friday, Friday…

Interior decorating in small NYC apartments – what we can aspire to (photos by Sallie Davies)

X Baczewsky in her home on 1st Avenue
Flloyd NYC in his home in East Village
Meta Hillmann at her home in East Village
Gerald DeCock at his home in the Chelsea Hotel
Steven Hammel at his home on the FDR
Sally Davies with her dog Bun at her home in East Village

Missed this…

tossing rice

Yesterday was the birthday (in 1844) of Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov. I suppose my favorite of his works is Scheherazade, but that’s too long for this blog, so here is one of his shorter pieces. It’s very fun!

Posted by Tom in Humor, Music, World

Rainy Thursday




Today is the birthday, in 1941, of Wilson Pickett, who had a lot of great hits. Here is one…

Posted by Tom in Humor, Music, sixties and seventies


Here’s a crash course in recognizing the artist…

Crash course art.
Crash course art.
Crash course art.
Crash course art.
Crash course art.
Crash course art.
Crash course art.
Crash course art.
Crash course art.
Crash course art.
Crash course art.
Crash course art.
Crash course art.
Crash course art.
Crash course art.
Crash course art.
Crash course art.

And this for today.

Posted by Tom in Humor, Music, World


Feeling a bit philosophical.

Bertrand Russell: "The meteor wiped out everything, only we philosophers are left!  "
Plato: "This is a great opportunity to finally put our ideas into practice and design a perfect society from scratch!"

Plato: "I think we need a wise, enlightened person to be king, to understand the forms and can guide society to justice. That's why we should pick a philosopher among us to be king. "

PERSON: "Plato, we are all philosophers, how does that help?"

PERSON: "I mean...this is sort of embarrassing, but i mean like...a good philosopher?"

Adam Smith: "Look, no need to complicate things, we just need to all act in our own self interest."
Kropotkin: "Selfishness? That will never work, Adam Smith."
Smith: "Of course it will, Kropotkin!"

Smith: "We just need is a finance system that moves capital away from the unproductive landed gentries who do nothing but collect rents, into the hands of the entrepreneurs and workers who will re-invest it in productive activities."

Smith: "Okay let's start with something simpler. Free trade! Each time we trade both of us benefits. Who wants to trade me something for this muffin?"

Thomas Hobbes, clubbing Smith to death with a rock: "The muffin is mine!"

Kropotkin: "What the hell, Hobbes, what are you doing?!"

Bada Bing!

Covid is no joke. One former patient was so brain-damaged afterward he thought he won an election that he lost by 8 million votes.

A critic wrote a letter to author Flannery O’Conner complaining that “your book left a bad taste in my mouth”.Flannery wrote back, “You weren’t supposed to eat it”.

When I was a little kid we had a sandbox. It was a quicksand box. I was an only child … eventually.

I asked a librarian if she had a book about Pavlov’s dog and Schrodingers cat.She said it rang a bell but she wasn’t sure if it was there or not.

What do you call an indecisive potato? A hesitater.

Trump would have never called anyone a Neanderthal because it has four syllables.

A scientist recently said that the “perfect earthquake” was going to strike the West Coast soon. The evidence to support his claim was on shaky ground.

For the Qanon believers who feel you’re being mocked and ridiculed; it’s not just a feeling.

If you’re ever feeling a little down, take a few minutes and watch this video. It will brighten your day.

Posted by Tom in Humor, Music, World

Dark Monday

It’s dark outside but these amazing sugar flowers will brighten your day! Michelle Nguyen is an award-winning Australian confectionery artist who created these amazing flowers.

Artist Makes Amazing Realistic Sugar Flowers That Are Hard To Believe Are Not Real
Artist Makes Amazing Realistic Sugar Flowers That Are Hard To Believe Are Not Real
Artist Makes Amazing Realistic Sugar Flowers That Are Hard To Believe Are Not Real
Artist Makes Amazing Realistic Sugar Flowers That Are Hard To Believe Are Not Real

or check out this embroidery art by Anarudha Bhaumick…

Embroidery Art of Daily Life by Anuradha Bhaumick
Embroidery Art of Daily Life by Anuradha Bhaumick
Embroidery Art of Daily Life by Anuradha Bhaumick

Back to our regularly scheduled program.

Life is so hard!


Note to my fellow old people. Do not sit on a floor without a plan on how you will get up.

Felt uncomfortable driving into the cemetery. The GPS blurted out ‘you have reached your final destination’.

I was trying to daydream, but my mind kept wandering.

A truck carrying Worcestershire sauce crashed.Dispatcher: What’s the situation?Deputy: It’s hard to say.

The four horsemen of procrastination…NappingSnacksSocial MediaNetflix

Interviewer: We’re looking for someone who can do the work of two men.Female interviewee: Oh, so the job’s only part-time?

I fired myself from cleaning the house. I didn’t like my attitude and I got caught drinking on the job.

It’s getting close…

Today is the birthday (in 1941) of Mike Love! Here he is with some other guys.

Posted by Tom in Art, Humor, Music, sixties and seventies