daily humor


Cooking tip.

Dentist’s bushes…


Back to normal as you can see in this video…

Posted by Tom in Humor

Wonderful Wednesday!

Today’s the day!

There will still be stupid folks…

Music for today…

Posted by Tom in Humor

Tuesday Already!

As I write this, just about 29 hours to go…

A lot of people are going to be needing this guy.

Life tip…

The first shelter dog in the White House!

Schools need to reopen!

Bone apple tea, reddit boneappletea, funny grammar and spelling mistakes, dumbest mistakes on the internet, dumb people being dumb online, spelling errors, funny spelling errors
Bone apple tea, reddit boneappletea, funny grammar and spelling mistakes, dumbest mistakes on the internet, dumb people being dumb online, spelling errors, funny spelling errors
Bone apple tea, reddit boneappletea, funny grammar and spelling mistakes, dumbest mistakes on the internet, dumb people being dumb online, spelling errors, funny spelling errors


Today is the birthday (in 1943) of Janis Joplin. She tragically died of an accidental heroin overdose in 1970. She was an amazing talent.

Posted by Tom in Humor, sixties and seventies

Finally Friday!

Five more days

An anthropologist wanted to study the members of a remote jungle tribe. He hired a native guide with a canoe to take him to his destination and serve as interpreter.

As they travelled up the river, they heard drums in the distance. The anthropologist asked his guide, “What do those drums mean?”

The guide replied, “Drums okay. Drums not bad. But very bad when they stop.”

As they traveled the drums grew louder. The anthropologist became nervous, but the guide repeated, “Drums okay. Drums not bad. But when drums stop, then very bad.”

On they travelled, the anthropologist growing more apprehensive by the minute. Then suddenly the drums stopped. Panic stricken, the anthropologist said to the guide, “The drums stopped! What now?”

The guide crouched down, covered his head with his hands and said, “Guitar solo.”

Some people are always ready to help

r/funny - Vaccinê

some nice images…

Enjoy the weekend!

This day in 1890 was the premiere of Tchaikovsky’s Sleeping Beauty. Here is the waltz part which most people recognize.

Posted by Tom in Humor, Music

Thursday Again

Six more days…

and this

I have the most impeachments of anybody. I am the best at impeachments.
Post image

On this day in 1966, David Jones changed his name to David Bowie to avoid being confused with Davy Jones of the Monkees. Here he is:

Posted by Tom in Humor, sixties and seventies