Today is Decoration Day, a public holiday in Liberia. The day is observed is in recognition of the nation’s past heroes and heroines, who have lived and died in the interest of their country. Each year, the President of Liberia will issue a Proclamation for this holiday in line with an Act of the National Legislature approved on October 24th 1916 which declared the second Wednesday of March in each year to be known as “Decoration Day” and to be observed as a National Holiday.
The Presidential Proclamation usually states that it is befitting that a day is set aside to celebrate the memory of those blessed dead, who have lived and died in the interest of the Liberian Nation, thereby keeping ever alive their deeds and invaluable contributions made to society and the State for the onward march to progress.
People remember their dearly departed by gathering at cemeteries and laying wreaths over the tombs. It has also become a literal decoration day when people give graves and cemeteries a clean, removing overgrown grass, garbage, vandalism and wear and tear from the elements.

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Uh Oh….


Today is the birthday, in 1949, of American singer Donald York the original vocalist for the rock and roll and doo-wop revival group Sha Na Na. After gaining initial fame for their performance at the Woodstock Festival, made possible with help from their friend Jimi Hendrix, the group hosted Sha Na Na, a syndicated variety TV series that ran from 1977 to 1981.