Today is Jamhuri Day in Kenya, a public holiday. Jamhuri is Swahili for Republic and as such Jamhuri Day is also known as Republic Day or Independence Day.
This is Kenya’s National Day and as such marks two key events in the history of the country. It celebrates Kenya becoming a republic on December 12th 1964 and also marks Kenya’s independence from the United Kingdom a y

ear earlier on December 12th 1963.

My new car has a button for just about everything. There’s even one that says rear wiper. Still too afraid to try that one.
Please do not accept friend requests from my parents. They have been hacked. … Lizzie Borden
She was an illegal whiskey-maker, but he loved her still.
Her1: You should try Yoga. It makes you feel relaxed, flexible, and loose. Her2: So does vodka without all the sweating.
I’ve just turned off the news and turned on a serial killer documentary to relax.
Vegetables aren’t that bad if you know how to prepare them. Carrot cake is a perfect example.
That look on your face when today’s safety meeting is about something you did yesterday.
Just helped my neighbor bury a rolled-up carpet in the woods. She said her husband would have helped her but he’s out of town. Pay it forward. Be the change.
On the back of her jacket… “I’m so good Santa came twice”.
Son: Dad, did you know in some countries you don’t who your wife is until you get married? Dad: It’s like that everywhere, son.
Am I ready for Christmas? I’m not even ready for today.

Today is the birthday, in 1942, of Tim Hauser, singer, Manhattan Transfer, (1977 UK No.1 ‘Chanson D’amour’, 1981 US No.7 single ‘Boy From New York City’).