Porgy and Bess


is what they’re saying in Oslo.

Just to be clear.

Twitter user @jaythechou has been Photoshopping Paddington into hundreds of movie scenes. Here are a few.

Paddington photoshopped into a famous movie scene.
Paddington photoshopped into a famous movie scene.
Paddington photoshopped into a famous movie scene.
Paddington photoshopped into a famous movie scene.
Paddington photoshopped into a famous movie scene.
Paddington photoshopped into a famous movie scene.
Paddington photoshopped into a famous movie scene.
Paddington photoshopped into a famous movie scene.

now this…

On this day in 1935, George Gershwin’s opera ‘Porgy and Bess’ premiered. Here is a familiar excerpt performed by Harolyn Blackwell.

Posted by Tom in Music, opera