

Today is Sandinista Revolution Day, a public holiday in Nicaragua. This day commemorates the defeat of the Somoza dictatorship on this day in 1979.

In 1936, Anastasio Somoza García, the head of Nicaragua’s army deposed the elected President, Juan Bautista Sacasa (who was also Somoza’s uncle), and installed himself as President. This effectively established a hereditary dictatorship in the country for over 45 years, with two of Somoza’s sons serving as president after Somoza had been assassinated in 1956.

TheSomozas were heavily supported by the United States Government despite their human rights violations, graft, corruption and dictatorial excesses.

Not too far in the background of the Somoza rule was the Sandinista National Liberation Front. This was a socialist revolutionary group founded in 1962 and named after Augusto Sandino, a hero of the resistance to U.S. military occupation between 1927 and 1933.

Since their creation, the Sandinistas had steadily built their support base amongst workers, students and peasants. In the 1970s, the political aims spilt over into military attacks on the Nicaraguan government. And although the Somozas retaliated, the revolution was gaining momentum, exploding into direct confrontations between the Sandinistas and the Nicaraguan army in 1978.

On July 19th 1979, Sandinista soldiers defeated the National Guard and toppled Somoza, who fled to Paraguay where he was assassinated in 1980.

Today is the birthday, in 1947, of Brian May, guitarist, singer and songwriter with Queen who had the 1975 UK No.1 single ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ which returned to No.1 in 1991. Queen scored over 40 other UK Top 40 singles, and also scored the 1980 US No.1 single ‘Crazy Little Thing Called Love’. May had the solo 1992 UK No.5 single ‘Too Much Love Will Kill You’. May was made Commander of the Order of the British Empire in 2005 for ‘services to the music industry and his charity work’. May earned a PhD in astrophysics from Imperial College, London, in 2007. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kijpcUv-b8M

Posted by Tom in eighties music, Humor, Music

Do your TUESDAY dance!

Today is Reunification Day in Vietnam. Known as ‘Ngày Thống nhất’ in Vietnamese, it is also known as Victory Day or Liberation Day. It marks the fall of the Saigon government on April 30th 1975 when Viet Cong and North Vietnamese troops captured Saigon (now Ho Chi Minh City).

This brought the Vietnam war to an end and began the process of unification of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (North) in the North and the Republic of Vietnam (South). Unification of the two countries finally happened on July 2nd 1976, when the Socialist Republic of Vietnam was born.

Bada Bing!!

My friend went skydiving wearing a regular backpack instead of a parachute. He won’t make that mistake again.

Met this girl online yesterday. She’s so into me. She wants to know the name of my first pet, my mom’s maiden name, and where I was born.

I’m just laying here in bed, listening to the Doors and thinking to myself I really should oil those hinges.

My neighbor just yelled at her kids so loud that even I brushed my teeth and went to bed.

I’ve nearly finished my diploma in sandwich making. I’ve got my final eggs ham tomorrow.

I went to a costume party and the host immediately started to pick on me. “What’s your costume?” he asked. “A harp.” “You’re too small to be a harp,” he told me. I was indignant. “Are you calling me a lyre?”

I was at the same party! Saw a bloke wearing a bandana with a lady strapped to his back. He said he was a ninja turtle. ‘What’s the lady doing on your back?’ I asked. ‘It’s Michelle’ he replied.

I asked a magic 8-ball if I would ever get better in social situations. Not only did it not answer me, but I got yelled at and hit with a pool stick.

Ejaculate – What a Yorkshire person says to Jack when he’s not on time.

I didn’t find any good birthdays today so here is this great song by Queen. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kijpcUv-b8M&list=PLyqXsO_d0hU1EqKKNY2MdtiXitI3zEVqg&index=12

Posted by Tom in eighties music, Humor, Music

Back to school TUESDAY

Today is St. Teresa Canonization Day, a public holiday in Albania. The holiday (Albanian: Dita e Nënë Terezës) marks the canonization of Saint Teresa by Pope Francis in 2016.

Mother Teresa was born on August 26th 1910, in Skopje (now the capital of North Macedonia) in the Ottoman Empire. Born to a family of Albanian ancestry, she was named Anjezë (Agnes) Gonxhe Bojaxhiu. From an early Agnes had been inspired by tales of missionaries and when she was 18, she moved to Ireland to join a nunnery to learn English. Having arrived India in 1929, she became a nun in 1931, adopting the name Teresa, after Thérèse de Lisieux, the patron saint of missionaries.

In 1950, Mother Teresa founded the Missionaries of Charity, a Roman Catholic religious congregation. Today, expanding beyond the original location of Calcutta, the 4000 sisters of the congregation run orphanages, AIDS hospices, soup kitchens and mobile clinics in 123 countries; caring for refugees, the blind, disabled, the poor and homeless, and victims of floods, epidemics, and famine. Members of the congregation must adhere to the vows of chastity, poverty and obedience as well as a fourth vow, to give ‘wholehearted free service to the poorest of the poor’.

Mother Teresa gained worldwide recognition for her charitable works and was the recipient of numerous honors including the 1979 Nobel Peace Prize. She became famous as ‘Teresa of Calcutta’.

Today is the birthday, in 1946, of Freddie Mercury British singer, songwriter, record producer with Queen. Regarded as one of the greatest singers in the history of rock music, he was known for his flamboyant stage persona and four-octave vocal range. Queen had had the 1975 UK No.1 single ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’, plus over 40 other UK Top 40 singles. And the 1980 US No.1 single ‘Crazy Little Thing Called Love’. As a solo artist he scored the 1987 UK No. 4 single ‘The Great Pretender’. Mercury died of bronchio-pneumonia on November 24th 1991 aged 45, just one day after he publicly announced he was HIV positive. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zO6D_BAuYCI

Posted by Tom in eighties music, Humor, Music


Today is Sandinista Revolution Day, a public holiday in Nicaragua. This day commemorates the defeat of the Somoza dictatorship on this day in 1979.

In 1936, Anastasio Somoza García, the head of Nicaragua’s army deposed the elected President, Juan Bautista Sacasa (who was also Somoza’s uncle), and installed himself as President. This effectively established a hereditary dictatorship in the country for over 45 years, with two of Somoza’s sons serving as president after Somoza had been assassinated in 1956.

Backed by the US because of their anti-communist stance, the Somozas exhibited the usual dictatorial traits of accumulating incredible personal wealth and exiling any potential opponents. Anastasio Somoza Debayle, the second of Somoza’s sons to be president was particularly brutal and was accused of human rights violations.

Not too far in the background of the Somoza rule was the Sandinista National Liberation Front. This was a socialist revolutionary group founded in 1962 and named after Augusto Sandino, a hero of the resistance to U.S. military occupation between 1927 and 1933.

Since their creation, the Sandinistas had steadily built their support base amongst workers, students and peasants. In the 1970s, the political aims spilt over into military attacks on the Nicaraguan government. And although the Somozas retaliated, the revolution was gaining momentum, exploding into direct confrontations between the Sandinistas and the Nicaraguan army in 1978.

On July 19th 1979, Sandinista soldiers defeated the National Guard and toppled Somoza, who fled to Paraguay where he was assassinated in 1980.

a choice was made…

Today is the birthday, in 1947, of Brian May, guitarist, singer and songwriter with Queen who had the 1975 UK No.1 single ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ which returned to No.1 in 1991. Queen scored over 40 other UK Top 40 singles, and also scored the 1980 US No.1 single ‘Crazy Little Thing Called Love’. May had the solo 1992 UK No.5 single ‘Too Much Love Will Kill You’. May was made Commander of the Order of the British Empire in 2005 for ‘services to the music industry and his charity work’. May earned a PhD in astrophysics from Imperial College, London, in 2007. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zO6D_BAuYCI

Posted by Tom in Humor, Music, sixties and seventies


Today is the Death Anniversary of Zhabdrung, a public holiday in Bhutan. The nation of Bhutan was founded in the 17th century by Zhabdrung (meaning “at whose feet one submits”) Ngawang Namgyal, a Tibetan Buddhist lama, known colloquially as the Bearded Lama.


Animals Stealing Our Jobs


I don’t judge people based on race, creed, color, or gender. I judge people based on spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure.

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English literature: I will die for honor.

French literature: I will die for love.

American literature: I will die for freedom.

Russian literature: I will die.

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Imagine trying to learn English and finding out that butt dialing and booty calls are two different things.

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Wife: You need to do more chores around the house.

Husband: Can we change the subject?

Wife: All right. More chores around the house need to be done by you.

Follow up to my earlier item about Frederick Mercury and Brian May…

Posted by Tom in Humor, Music, sixties and seventies