Today is Reformation Day, a public holiday in Chile, Slovenia and parts of Germany. Reformation Day commemorates the day in 1517 when a German monk named Martin Luther (1483-1546) strode up to the church in Wittenburg and nailed his 95 ‘theses’ (or propositions) to the church door. Luther chose to do this on October 31st as he knew the church would be full on the next day for All Saints’ Day.
Luther had hoped that pinning his protestations would spark wider debate about the process of ‘buying’ indulgences (which forgave sins) and harden public opinion against the practice. However, so many people agreed with his ideas that they quickly spread across western Europe, helped by the recent invention of the printing press, leading to the religious revolt known as the Reformation.
The reformation led many Christians to break off from the Roman Catholic Church and establish new, independent churches of their own, such as the Lutheran Church. The pivotal act would ultimately lead to the creation of the numerous Protestant denominations, so-called as they trace their theological lineage to this “protestation” of the Catholic Church.

Pizza Party!!!!

Today is the birthday, in 1950, of American singer, songwriter and guitarist Moon Martin. Originally a rockabilly artist, he wrote the songs ‘Bad Case of Loving You (Doctor, Doctor)’, made famous by the English singer Robert Palmer, and ‘Cadillac Walk’, a hit for American singer Willy DeVille. Hi died on 11 May 2020 age 74.