Today is the birthday of King Mswati III, a public holiday in Eswatini (formerly Swaziland). Mswati III was born on 19 April 1968 at Raleigh Fitkin Memorial Hospital, Manzini, the son of Sobhuza II (who had more than 125 wives during his reign of 82 years), and the only child of Ntfombi Tfwala, also known as Inkhosikati LaTfwala, one of Sobhuza’s younger wives. Mswati himself currently has 15 wives and 36 children.

Old age has come at a bad time, just as I was beginning to know everything, I’m now forgetting everything I knew.
I’m currently reading a book about a detective that solves crimes purely by chance. It’s about Sheerluck Holmes.
Engineers have just made a car that can run on parsley. Now they’re hoping to make buses and trains that run on thyme!
I am forever disappointed that chef Bobby Flay didn’t name his daughter Sue.
Tennessee: where they respect Ancient Greece enough to build a fake Parthenon, but not enough to allow men to wear dresses.
The difference between tequila and your opinion is I asked for tequila.
After ignoring you for 20 minutes, you’d be surprised how quickly employees at Lowe’s assist you when you try and start a chainsaw.
I hate it when people accuse me of lollygagging when I’m quite clearly dilly-dallying.
Kid Rock makes music for people who know exactly how much Sudafed you can get for a catalytic converter.

No good birthdays today so here are the Gentrys!