Sort of TUESDAYish

Today is Revolution Day, a public holiday in Morocco. Also known as the King and People’s Revolution Day, this day commemorates the exile of Sultan Mohammed V on this day in 1953.

In 1912 Morocco became a French protectorate under the Treaty of Fez, administered by a French Resident-General. Morocco had traditionally been ruled by a sultan. Under France’s rule, the role of the monarch was greatly reduced to that of a figurehead.

The 1940s saw a growing level of nationalism with Istiqlal, a political party aimed at bringing independence to Morocco founded. To quell the nationalism, the French authorities asked the highly respected Sultan Mohammed V to sign a ‘pact of surrender’. The Sultan refused and on August 20th 1953, the French exiled the Sultan; first to Corsica, then to  Madagascar.

This backfired on the French as Moroccans who wanted independence and those who followed the Sultan as a religious leader, united in active opposition. The opposition turned to armed resistance.

In November 1955, Mohammad V returned to Morocco. Receiving overwhelming support from the Moroccan people, and with rising levels of violence in Morocco and Algeria, the colonial authorities were forced to enter into negotiations with Morocco over independence. A year later, Morocco gained its independence with Sultan Mohammad becoming King.

High school…


Whoever is in charge of making sure I don’t do stupid shit is FIRED!

So are you seeing anyone? You mean like a therapist or hallucinations?

All I’m saying is that MF grew an ear back like a salamander.

Better woke than weird.

If anybody knows how to handle a bully, it’s a prosecutor and a high school coach.

Make fixing a printer an Olympic sport.

What do you call a paper airplane that can’t fly? Stationary.

Just a reminder, you’re never too old to throw random shit in people’s shopping carts when they aren’t looking.

It’s stupid that you can’t smoke with kids in the car anymore. Look how wet they’re getting standing out in the rain.

My ancestors navigated the ocean using stars and I’m over here missing my exit with GPS.

The first rule of our “Condescending Club” is quite complex and I don’t think you would understand it even if I explained it to you.

We members of the Procrastinator’s Club will be discussing this at length. Maybe tomorrow or sometime in the future. Not sure when. We’re going to meet soon to try to set up a time for the meeting when the members can decide when they might be available. I think.

I’ve made some bad choices in life but I’ve never bought a pair of crocs.

I’m glad you’re learning to laugh at yourself. It was getting kind of awkward for the rest of us.

Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.  Those who prevent history from being taught intend to repeat it.

Doctor: What’s wrong? Her: Nothing… Doctor: I’m your Doctor, not your husband.

Today is the anniversary of the premiere, in 1882) of the 1812 Overture (The Year 1812, Solemn Overture, Op. 49) by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky. The piece commemorates Russia’s successful defense against the French invasion of the nation in 1812. The fifteen-minute overture is best known for its climactic volley of cannon fire, ringing chimes, and a brass fanfare finale. It has also become a common accompaniment to fireworks displays on the United States’ Independence Day. Here’s the climax…

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