Saturday was Independence Day in Bangladesh, celebrating the events of March 26, 1971 when Sheikh Mujibur Rahman declared Bangladesh’s independence from Pakistan, which were known at the time as East Pakistan and West Pakistan, respectively.

Ugh…must be Monday

dubious link

Where can I get one of those shiny necklaces with "T" on it? That's a cross. Across from where?
He was extremely drunk that day. Not gonna happen again. Maybe.

Blasts from the past!!!

The internet will never take off!
Well, Bitcoin has stabilized at almost exactly $14/coin. I'm tired of waiting for a jump, so I'm taking the loss and getting my cash back
Microsoft employees holding a funeral for the iPhone following the "success" of their Windows phone.
These didn't age well.
Don't mess with MySpace!

Today is the birthday, in 1945, of Chuck Portz, bassist for the Turtles.