Today is King Kamehameha I Day, a public holiday in the State of Hawaii. It honors Kamehameha the Great, who unified the Kingdom of Hawai’i. Kamehameha is noted for uniting the Hawaiian Islands in 1810 and becoming Hawaii’s first king. He ruled until his death in 1819.

Kamehameha Day was established in 1872 by King Kamehameha V, the great-grandchild of Kamehameha, as a national holiday to honor the memory of Kamehameha.

All state and county offices throughout the state will be closed on June 11th in observance of the holiday on Kamehameha Day. Public transport may run on a modified schedule.

Since 1901, it has been a tradition to drape leis (Hawaiian floral garlands) from the statues of the King on the islands.

BADA Bing!!!!

I have reached an age where my mind says, “I can do that,” but my body says, “Try it and you’ll be sorry.”

My wife spent an hour at the salon, and when she came home, she got mad because I didn’t notice she had gotten her hair cut. But my spouse would have been REALLY MAD if she’d known I didn’t even notice she had left the house.

It only took 24 hours for your grandpa and crazy Uncle Jethro to spin it into “Jesus was convicted too.”

How difficult is it to get any 12 people to agree on any 1 thing? Now, multiply that by 34.

Stormy Daniels has set a new world record for pleasuring the most people in a single day.

Dear life, when I said “Can my day get any worse” it was a rhetorical question, not a challenge.

Whoever put the S in fastfood is a marketing genius.

At my age, I don’t often roll a joint, but when I do, it’s my ankle.

Does anyone know where I can get fresh ice cubes? I don’t want any of those frozen ones.

I completely misunderstood Pride Month. Who wants to buy 15 lions?

In honor of Pride Month, I’m using napkins from Chick-fil-A to clog the toilets at Hobby Lobby.

When a man says he will do anything for a woman he means fighting bad guys and killing dragons, not vacuuming or doing dishes.

If someone asks indignantly, “Do you know who my father is?” Answer, “Didn’t your mother tell you?”

Whoever named it “Parmesan Cheese” and not “Spaghetti Confetti” missed a great opportunity.

My half-brother and I are not allowed to play with chainsaws anymore.

A good Smart TV would increase the volume when you start eating something.

I find that the first 5 days after the weekend are always the hardest. (Well, for some people.)

People often mistake me for an adult because of my age.


Today is the birthday, in 1864, of Richard Strauss, German composer and conductor best known for his tone poems and operas. Along with Gustav Mahler, he represents the late flowering of German Romanticism, in which pioneering subtleties of orchestration are combined with an advanced harmonic style.