Today is Moshoeshoe Day in Lesotho. The holiday commemorates the first King of Lesotho, Moshoeshoe I on the anniversary of his death in 1870. King Moshoeshoe I is considered the father of Lesotho. He reigned from 1822 – 1870, founding Basutoland to unite the tribes in the area in order to defend themselves from attacks by the Zulus.
Never suffering a major military defeat, Moshoeshoe was able to resist colonialism efforts of the Boer trekkers from the Orange Free State and although Basutoland became a British colony, Moshoeshoe was able to keep his country separate from British South Africa and Apartheid South Africa.

Not in Florida!

Money Problems…

Today is the birthday, in 1940, of Dean Torrance who with Jan and Dean had the 1963 US No.1 Surf City. They also had a hit with this song.