
June 23rd is Luxembourg’s National Day (Celebration publique de l’anniversaire du souverain) and the official birthday of the Grand Duke although no Grand Duke/Duchess has ever had a real birthday that fell on this day.

The Duke’s birthday doesn’t even commemorate the birth of a Duke, but a Duchess – the Grand Duchess Charlotte who ruled Luxembourg from 1919 – 1964.

The tradition of celebrating the monarch’s birthday started in the 19th Century when Luxembourg was still part of the Netherlands. It became an important patriotic holiday under the reign of Grand Duchess Charlotte who came to the throne in 1919.

Charlotte was actually born on January 23rd 1896, but the celebrations were shifted to June so that the celebrations should have more favorable weather.

Makes sense…



On this day in 1966, The Beatles had their tenth consecutive UK No.1 single with ‘Paperback Writer’ / ‘Rain.’ The track is marked by the boosted bass guitar sound throughout, partly in response to John Lennon demanding to know why the bass on a certain Wilson Pickett record far exceeded the bass on any Beatles records.