On this day in 1908, Katie Mulcahey was arrested for lighting a cigarette, violating the one-day old ‘Sullivan Ordinance’ banning women from smoking in public, and is fined $5. Appearing before the judge, she states, “I’ve got as much right to smoke as you have. I never heard of this new law, and I don’t want to hear about it. No man shall dictate to me.”
Under the Sullivan Act, women were prohibited from smoking in public and managers of public establishments had to prohibit females from smoking. An earlier ordinance which would have forbidden men to smoke in the presence of women failed to pass. Two weeks after enactment, Mayor George B. McClellan vetoes the ordinance.

New York City is undoubtedly the fashion capital of our country. Here are some good examples of street fashion trends in NYC…

Whoever put the S in fastfood is a marketing genius.
You know your life is boring when you only wear work clothes and bedclothes.
People with siblings have better survival skills because they’ve experienced physical combat, psychological warfare, and detecting suspicious activity.
The 3 stages of life: Wanting stuff. Accumulating stuff. Getting rid of stuff.
I have a condition that prevents me from going on a diet. I get hungry.
Sometimes I just wish I had the wisdom of a 90-year-old, the body of a 20-year-old, and the energy of a 3-year-old.
How long do I have to sleep before I’m legally a bear?
Remember when we used to laugh at the commercial, “I’ve fallen, and I can’t get up!?” It’s not so funny anymore.
I asked the doctor if I could sew up my own wound. He said, “Suture self”.
I ate pizza the other day and started shaking uncontrollably. That’s the last time I order from Little Seizures.
I decided not to go to the Swan Lake recital. I feel like I dodged a ballet.
I am confident my dog would defend me with its life…unless you decide to use a vacuum cleaner as a weapon.

Garth Hudson, whose intricate swirls of Lowrey organ helped elevate the Band from rollicking juke-joint refugees into one of the most resonant and influential rock groups of the 1960s and ’70s, died on Tuesday in Woodstock, N.Y. He was 87 and the last surviving original member of the group.
Mr. Hudson did far more than play the organ. A musical polymath whose work room at home included arcana like sheet music for century-old standards and hymns, he played almost anything — saxophone, accordion, synthesizers, trumpet, French horn, violin — and in endless styles that could at various times be at home in a conservatory, a church, a carnival or a roadhouse.
In this song, The bullfrog-like syncopations that tease and cackle as Levon Helm sings the verses are from Hudson’s clavinet. He unfurls organ lines like bunting atop the choruses, but the cackling cheerfully persists. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NKu0OTDvQ-w