Today is Ganesh Chaturthi in Mauritius – a public holiday. It is the culmination of the annual ten-day festival honoring the rebirth of Ganesha.
The elephant-headed god has an interesting story. The most popular tells the story of Goddess Parvati who is the consort of Lord Shiva. One day when Parvati was having a bath she rubbed some dust and oil from her body and created the shape of a boy. She then infused life into the shape and Ganesha was born.
Parvati told her son to guard the door when she has a bath. Lord Shiva came to visit and Ganesh would not let him in. How was Ganesh supposed to know Shiva was his father? So he fought with Shiva. Ganesh’s head was severed in the ensuing scuffle.
As you can imagine Goddess Parvati was very upset. She asked Lord Shiva to bring her son back to life. Shiva sent his men to look for a head replacement for Ganesh. The brief was to bring the head of the first living creature they find facing North which is a direction associated with wisdom. Shiva brought Ganesha back to life and thus the story is one of rebirth and regeneration.

The Art and the Artist…

spellcheck fail…


Today is the birthday, in 1949, of Chuck and John Panozzo, bass and drums, Styx. John Panozzo died on 16th July 1996.