Oh boy, it’s TUESDAY!!

Today is Enthronement Day, a public holiday in Morocco. Also known as Throne Day, this day marks the King’s accession to the throne on this day in 1999.

His Majesty King Mohammed VI, son of the late King H.M. Hassan II, was born on August 21st 1963, in Rabat.

Following the death of his father on July 23rd 1999, King Mohammed VI officially took the throne in accordance with Article 20 of the kingdom’s Constitution on Friday July 30th 1999.

This date then became Throne Day to be celebrated with a public holiday each year.

The Enthronement took place in the Throne Room of the Royal Palace in Rabat. After the ceremony, the new king solemnly performed the Friday prayer and pronounced His first Speech of the Throne. King Mohammed VI is the 23rd king of the Alaouite Dynasty, which has ruled Morocco since 1631.

Socrates vs Nietzsche…


I’m not brave. I’m just past the age when running is an option.

As I’ve aged, I’m eternally grateful that I’ve gotten fatter instead of more politically conservative.

I’m at the age where not finding parking for an event is enough to make me go home.

I really think I deserve an award for the amount of sarcastic comments I manage to keep to myself on a daily basis.

Don’t wear headphones while vacuuming. I’ve just finished the whole house before realizing the vacuum wasn’t plugged in.

Accidentally rubbed ketchup in my eyes. Now I have Heinzsight.

Free Marriage Tip: Don’t ask your wife when dinner will be ready while she is mowing the lawn.

I’ve never tried yoga but have tried bending over to pick up my car keys, so I’m pretty sure I’d hate yoga.

My wife left me today. She says I put sports ahead of our relationship. We were together for 6 seasons.

I hate that moment when you are tired and sleepy but as soon as you go to bed, your brain is like, “Just kidding”.

I thought the dryer made our clothes shrink. Turns out it’s the fridge.

I’ve learned so much from my mistakes, that I’m thinking about making a lot more.

I love reading motivational posts from people I know are toxic in real life.

Netflix needs to stop asking if I’m still watching and start asking if I moved the laundry to the dryer yet.

My housekeeping style is best described as ‘there appears to have been a struggle’.

Today is the birthday, in 1944, of Jamaican ska and reggae musician, multi-instrumentalist, singer Jimmy Cliff who had the 1969 UK No.6 & US No.25 single ‘Wonderful World Beautiful People’, and the 1970 UK No.8 hit with his version of Cat Stevens’ ‘Wild World’. He starred in the film The Harder They Come, which helped popularize reggae across the world. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrHxhQPOO2c