Today is Maroons Day, a public holiday in Suriname. This holiday celebrates the heritage and contribution to Suriname by the Maroon people.
Maroons were Africans and their descendants in the Americas who formed settlements away from slavery. Some had escaped from plantations, but others were born free within these communities. Maroon communities grew up in several places in the Americas and even in other colonized parts of the world, such as Madagascar.
Suriname was seized by the Dutch in 1667. The Dutch then established about 200 plantations producing sugar, coffee, cocoa and cotton, most of which was exported back to Holland. Over 13,000 African slaves were brought to Suriname to man these plantations. The local Maroon community grew from slaves who managed to escape from the plantations into the jungle. It is a reflection on the horrific conditions within the plantations, that living in a wild, inhospitable South American jungle was preferable to most slaves. The Maroons grew in number and would attack the plantations to acquire supplies and to free female slaves.
On October 10th 1760, the Maroons signed a peace treaty with the Dutch colonial authorities whereby they were recognized as free people and received a yearly tribute that provided them with the goods they used to take from the plantations.

Today is the birthday, in 1955, of American rock vocalist, songwriter David Lee Roth who with Van Halen had the 1984 US No.1 & UK No.7 single ‘Jump’ and the solo, 1988 hit single ‘Just Like Paradise’. Van Halen’s 1978 debut album has sold more than twelve million copies. This video gets to a slow start so skip to about 1:30 to start.