Today is Isra and Mi’raj, a public holiday in Indonesia. Known as The Prophet’s Ascension or the Night Journey, this holiday is observed on the 27th day of Rajab, the seventh month in the Islamic calendar.
Isra and Mi’raj Night marks the Prophet Muhammad’s journey from Mecca to Jerusalem and ascent into heaven, sometime around the year 621, according to Islamic belief.
The Night Journey starts with the appearance of the angel Gabriel who takes the Prophet Muhammad to Jerusalem on a winged horse. In Jerusalem, the Prophet Muhammad met and prayed with many prophets including Moses, Abraham and Jesus. This part of the journey is known as ‘Isra’.
The Prophet Muhammad was then carried by Gabriel to heaven, ascending through the seven heavenly realms until he reached paradise where he spoke to god.

Thoughts on THE LAW!!

Always proofread…

Bada Bing!
They call them heated seats because rear defroster was already taken.
Tech enthusiasts: My entire house is smart. Tech workers: The only piece of tech in my house is a printer and I keep a gun next to it so I can shoot it if it makes a noise I don’t recognize.
I’m playing a fun inauguration game where I take a sedative when Trump is sworn in and continue this for the next 4 years.
In 2020, it became apparent that a lot of people had been asleep in science class. Well, in 2025, it’s become quite apparent that they slept through history class, too.
CIA uncovers Chinese plot to sit back and enjoy the collapse of the United States.
If what Elon did wasn’t a Nazi salute then do it at work tomorrow.
Me: It doesn’t have a tail, so I’m pretty sure it’s a hamster. Tech support: “Sigh” Fine. Right-click on your hamster.
I just ordered a life alert bracelet, so if I get a life, I’ll be notified immediately.
What do you call the sexuality where you’re attracted to men and women but neither are attracted to you? Bi-yourself.
The most disturbing thing about accidentally waking up at 4am is realizing some people do this on purpose so they can exercise.
My therapist just told me I have extreme difficulty in picking up social cues. I think she is in love with me.
I don’t know how to use TikTok. But I can write in cursive and do long division. I can also tell time on clocks with hands.
The wife and I exchanged Valentine’s Day cards at the store. Then we put them back on the rack.
The doctor said my sugar was too high. When I got home, I moved it to a lower shelf.
Sometimes I talk to myself and we both laugh.
I miss the old days when bills didn’t have my name on them.

Today is the birthday, in 1968, of Canadian musician singer songwriter, Sarah McLachlan, who had the 1997 US No.2 album Surfacing. McLachlan has won three Grammy Awards and has sold over 40 million albums worldwide. After becoming frustrated with concert promoters and radio stations that refused to feature two female musicians in a row, she founded the Lilith Fair tour in 1997.