Holidays around the world today. It is, of course, Diwali, The Festival of Light. The celebration revolves around the triumph of good over evil, purity over impurity, light over darkness. It is one of the most important Hindu festivals and is celebrated by the Indian diaspora around the world.
Diwali marks the return of Lord Rama, who was the seventh incarnation of Vishnu, from a fourteen-year exile.
The Festival of Lights takes place on the darkest night (the first night of the new moon) in the month of Kartik in the Hindu calendar.
Across India streets and temples are decorated with spectacular light displays and colourful garlands.
In their homes, people light small oil lamps called diyas. It is believed that deceased relatives come back to visit their families on Earth during this festival and the lights are a way to guide the spirits home.
It is also Halloween and in North America and some other parts of the world, young people (and some old people) may dress up in costumes and visit their neighbors’ homes in search of sweets.
Halloween takes its roots from the old Celtic festival, Samhain Eve, when it was believed that the link between the worlds of the living and dead was at its strongest. Some scholars believe that Samhain (pronounced sow-in) was the Celtic new year. Samhain means Summer’s End and was essentially a harvest festival and a time to ask for supernatural support to get through the coming winter.

Do I remember her?? Did we have a beef???

Today is the birthday, in 1950, of American singer, songwriter and guitarist Moon Martin. Originally a rockabilly artist, he wrote the songs ‘Bad Case of Loving You (Doctor, Doctor)’, made famous by the English singer Robert Palmer, and ‘Cadillac Walk’, a hit for American singer Willy DeVille. Hi died on 11 May 2020 age 74.