Today is Proclamation Day in South Australia. The holiday celebrates the announcement of South Australia as a British province on 28 December 1836.

Adding some challenge to the job.

Some Bumper Stickers:

Funny bumper stickers.
Funny bumper stickers.
Funny bumper stickers.
Funny bumper stickers.
Funny bumper stickers.

Bada Bing!

Eye doctor: Your results just came back. Me: Can I see them? Eye doctor: Probably not.

Pfft. The liquor store clerk just wished me a Merry Christmas. As if he wasn’t going to see me every day until then.

I really do love this time of year. The Christmas music, the twinkling lights, the woman in front of me at Costco who just told her husband, “We can give your cousin a pile of dog shit for all I care.”

When I get bored, I call in sick to places I don’t work. Tomorrow I’m getting written up at Walmart.

Before you marry someone, go sit in traffic with them for at least 2 hours.

Today is the birthday, in 1950, of Alex Chilton, lead singer of The Box Tops. Chilton was 16 when this song became an international hit.