Today is Armed Forces Day (Dia das Forças Armadas), a public holiday on the island nation of São Tomé and Príncipe observed on September 6th each year.
The armed forces of São Tomé and Príncipe (Forças Armadas de São Tomé e Príncipe, FASTP) are thought to be the smallest in Africa, with around 300 active personnel. Ironically this has meant that military coups, an unfortunately common event in many African countries in the second half of the 20th century, have twice proved ineffective on the islands. The failed coup of 2003 led to the reorganization of the military forces.

the perfect box…

Bada Bingggggggg…
Barbie never gave me a poor body image. Barbie taught me that you can’t reattach a head once it’s been removed from the body.
215 pounds? He finally got Georgia to fake the numbers for him.
All this because a grown man couldn’t bear the idea that he came in second place.
A man literally surrenders and his followers are big enough fools to buy a t-shirt that says “Never surrender” showing a picture of that idiot surrendering.
I hope the judge says, “If you have a big plane with your name on it, you’re definitely a flight risk.”
Customer: Do you enjoy being a waiter? Waiter: Well, it puts food on the table.
I haven’t lost all my marbles yet, but there’s a small hole in the bag somewhere.
Did you know on the Canary Islands there is not one canary? Same thing on the Virgin Islands. Not one canary.
If all the people wearing “Don’t Tread On Me” shirts would stop treading on everyone else, we’d appreciate it!
I’m going to start a business where Drag Queens deliver banned books directly to kids’ doors in Florida.
I like the type of people whose sense of humor may be described as “inappropriate with a chance of ruining the family dinner”.
The last time I sprang into action was when my recliner malfunctioned.

Today is the birthday, in 1961, of Pal Waaktaar, guitar, A-Ha (1985 US No.1 single ‘Take On Me’, 1986 UK No.1 single ‘The Sun Always Shines On TV’). The first Norwegian group to score a UK and US No.1.