Today is Hungarian Revolution Day, a public holiday in Hungary. It marks the anniversary of the start of the 1848 Revolution against the Austrian Empire.
Hungary had long been a part of the Austrian Empire though it had operated almost as a separate country; it’s strongest bond to the empire was a common monarch. The revolution in 1848 began following widespread national discontent with taxation and a desire for freedom of the press, freedom of religion and an independent parliament for Hungary. The desire for independence was also driven by other revolutions across Europe at this time.
On March 15th 1848, the poet of the revolution, Sandor Petőfi and his fellow patriots addressed the nation from the stairs of the Hungarian National Museum, reciting the Nemzeti dal (National Song). They declared a list of demands for democratic rights, now known as the 12 Points of the Pest Revolution – a document widely considered among the nation’s most important texts.
To mark the day, it is a custom for people to wear a cockade (rosette) (“kokárda” in Hungarian) containing red, white and green ribbons, the colours of the Hungarian flag. The national flag is also hoisted on almost every building, on residential, public or private alike.

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Today is the birthday, in 1941, of Mike Love, American singer, songwriter, and musician who co-founded The Beach Boys. Love collaborated with Brian Wilson and was a lyricist on singles including ‘Fun, Fun, Fun’ (1964), ‘California Girls’ (1965), and ‘Good Vibrations. (1966). The Beach Boys released the 1966 classic album Pet Sounds.